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Rhodes 19s and IODs kickoff the 2021 edition of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta at Marblehead Race Week. (©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COM/)
Rhodes 19s and IODs kickoff the 2021 edition of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta at Marblehead Race Week. (©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COM/)
Rhodes 19s and IODs kickoff the 2021 edition of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta at Marblehead Race Week. (©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COM/)
Rhodes 19s and IODs kickoff the 2021 edition of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta at Marblehead Race Week. (©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COM/)
Rhodes 19s and IODs kickoff the...
Font: Sailingworld


One week into the race, Technical Editor Dobbs Davis of Seahorse Magazine gives his view of the weather conditions on the race course, positioning strategies and tactics of the teams, and some projections of what’s to come for the fleet using the YB tracker software.

From the Transpac website:

Categories: Transpac...


In Summer 2021, cruising vessels entering the USA will have new options via the US Customs and Border Patrol “CBP ONE” mobile app, on Google and Play stores. This new application will replace the CBP ROAM this summer 2021.


From CBP:
CBP One is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) services. Through a series of guided questions, the app will direct each type of...




  • La ministra ha afirmado que, para mejorar la calidad y competitividad del transporte marítimo, el Ministerio está inmerso en un proceso de reforma del Texto Refundido de la Ley de Puertos del Estado y de la Marina Mercante y de la Ley de Navegación Marítima.
  • El Ministerio se ha dotado de instrumentos de planificación que van a marcar la ruta hacia un sistema de movilidad y de infraestructuras del transporte resiliente, seguro, sostenible y conectado, para encarar la recuperación.
  • Puertos del Estado contará con...
Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria



  • El robot dirigido por control remoto llegará desde Ferrol y operará instalado en el buque Don Inda

La delegada del Gobierno en Cantabria, Ainoa Quiñones, ha anunciado que Salvamento Marítimo traerá a Santander un ROV (acrónimo en inglés ROV: Remote Operated Vehicle) para inspeccionar el pecio del barco pesquero ‘Maremi’, hundido a nueve millas al norte de Cabo Mayor y a unos 180 metros de profundidad, y reforzar así la búsqueda del tripulante desparecido desde la madrugada del pasado jueves 15 de julio.

Quiñones ha explicado que...

Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria


Not all sailing trophies are silver cups and pickle dishes, and some eventually prove more valuable than others. As the recipient of the New York YC’s Resolute Cup sportsmanship trophy in 2016, Brandon Flack earned a limited-edition Porsche bike that he eventually sold for $5,000 and donated to the MudRatz junior sailing foundation. (Paul Todd / Outside Images/)

The moment you hear your name called to receive an award is one of satisfaction, excitement and a sort of validation of the effort invested to earn it. The announcement is followed by applause from your competitors as you are...

Font: Sailingworld


The J/111 fleet lines up for a start at the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta Annapolis, the class’s North American Championship. (Paul Todd/)

When the race committee hoisted its AP-over-A on the morning of the first day of racing at the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta in Annapolis, there was a collective sigh across the Annapolis YC’s dry sail lot. Yes, everyone was anxious to go racing after a year of tiptoe racing through the pandemic, but not everyone was keen to scuff off the rust in a 30-knot gale.

So, with coffees in hand, crews tinkered and mingled with friends. A few teams eventually...

Font: Sailingworld


Presets can be managed through the cockpit display interface. (Courtesy B&G/)

Having a modern autopilot—and ­knowing how to use it—can really expand what you can do with your boat. I have a 44-foot racer/cruiser named Dark Star. A few years ago, I did a solo sailing delivery from Desolation Sound in central British Columbia to Seattle, a distance of 200 miles. This would normally be a three-day trip, but with extensive use of my B&G pilot, I was able to make the passage in 24 hours by myself. This kind of trip is not for everyone, but it was a cool experience for me,...

Font: Sailingworld


July 19, 2021

Well it has been an eventful 24 hours – the best of times and the worst of times (but not too bad, though)! First, on a positive note, the water maker is fixed and showers are back on the itinerary – yea! Bubblemaster Mark figured it out and the tank is filling as we write this. The fix still really works only on starboard tack, which...



Charlie Dalin celebrates his Vendée Globe finish. A relentless push in the final 24 hours wasn’t enough to claim the race’s overall win. photo: (Yvan Zedda/alea/)

The final results of the 2020‑21 Vendée Globe will forever have Yannick Bestaven as champion of the most competitive singlehanded round-the-world race—ever. One position below Bestaven in the rankings sits 36-year-old Charlie Dalin, the first of 33 starters to cross the finish line in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France. He could have won. He should have won. But he didn’t. It was one cruel and unexpected windshift—mere miles from...

Font: Sailingworld
