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Charlie Dalin celebrates his Vendée Globe finish. A relentless push in the final 24 hours wasn’t enough to claim the race’s overall win. photo: (Yvan Zedda/alea/)

The final results of the 2020‑21 Vendée Globe will forever have Yannick Bestaven as champion of the most competitive singlehanded round-the-world race—ever. One position below Bestaven in the rankings sits 36-year-old Charlie Dalin, the first of 33 starters to cross the finish line in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France. He could have won. He should have won. But he didn’t. It was one cruel and unexpected windshift—mere miles from...

Font: Sailingworld


Third wave of the fastest boats get the fastest start in the 2021 Transpac. Powered by the best breeze of the week – 10-15 knots at the start off Point Fermin – today’s final 19 entries in four divisions vaulted off the start line towards Honolulu from Los Angeles, USA, 2225-miles away, in the 2021 Transpac. These are the fastest boats in the fleet entered in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4, and vary from 52 to 77 feet in length, with all expecting a speedy passage ahead. The current monohull course record set by the VPLP 100 Comanche in 2017 is 5D-1H-55M-26S, an average speed of over 18 knots. “A...


Is all stainless steel the same?
How do I decide and why are the prices so different? Most stainless steel is not suitable for permanently immersed applications both fully or partially. Swim ladders left in the water or close to the water for long periods have a predictable short-term life.

In chandleries we see our customers apparently sweating choices when it comes to products made of...



Getting more women into the sport and industry of sailing is the goal of a new mentorship program spearheaded by Antigua Sailing Week (ASW), the Antigua and Barbuda Sailing Association (ABSA) and the Antigua and Barbuda Marine Association (ABMA). It’s a program right on-trend and follows the continued focus from global organizations on promoting gender equality.



Conservation-conscious anglers practice catch-and-release especially for species of fish that are caught for recreational fun rather than as food. The problem is that some fish don’t survive as human handling to remove the hook and exposure to air can impact health and ultimately the finned critter’s mortality. Now, a new ‘bite-shortened’ hook designed by researchers with the University of Florida (UF), the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service enables...



Packaging a rum in a box creates an air of fascination and entices us to want to know more. The tall brown cylinder of Ron Añejo Calazan Reserve Aged 10 Years immediately drew us in wanting to explore.

Calazan rum is produced by Alcoholes y Añejos Monagas CA, in the eastern part of Venezuela. The name Calazan pays tribute to Rodolfo Esteban Gil, better known as Calazan, who was a pioneer in the distillation of rum. As a teenager, Rodolfo arrived on the...



In America and in the summer, Americans love to drink iced drinks, ice cream, and other cold foods along with lots of air conditioning. Yes, it does feel good, but…… there is another way to cool off. Did you know that drinking hot drinks and eating hot foods is actually proven to cool you down! Some of the hottest climates in the world like southeast Asia, India, and the Caribbean are great examples and proof. These cultures eat hot foods and drink hot beverages daily. 



(18/jul/21) Ayer sábado se disputó la última jornada de la XIV regata Puig Vela Clàssica con victorias del ‘Yanira’ y del ‘Fjord III’. Más de 200 regatistas, en 15 barcos de nueve nacionalidades compitieron desde el jueves 15 de julio en aguas de Barcelona.
Consciente de la inquietud por el COVID 19, la organización extremó las condiciones sanitarias en tierra. En el agua, los regatistas disfrutaron de unas condiciones...



Seahorse Technical Editor Dobbs Davis gives his Day Two analysis of racing in the 2225-mile LA-Honolulu Transpac. Today’s show highlights the Division 8 fleet’s getting off the coast in their first 48 hours of racing and reaching the strong offshore northerlies that are now propelling them what towards Hawaii.

Categories: Transpac Race Tags:...


This July is the 51st running of the Transpac Race, the signature west coast offshore race, 2,225 miles from Los Angeles to Honolulu. And for this running of the race, Ocean Navigator is an official race sponsor. The seamanship, navigation, route planning and watchstanding efforts exhibited by the race crews are the same skills that voyaging sailors undertake every day in their passages. This makes ON’s sponsorship of the Transpac an excellent match.

The race, run every two years, began in 1906 and was hosted by the Los Angeles Yacht Club. The current host of the race...

