Actualitat marítima


(2/jul/21) La marca noruega de pinturas Jotun, con más de 90 años de experiencia en el entorno marino, agrupará a lo largo de 2021 sus dos líneas de productos náuticos, Megayacht Professional (yates de 35- 40 m.) y Leisure Yacht (yates hasta 30 m.), en una sola línea buscando mejoras en la calidad de sus soluciones para todo tipo de embarcaciones.




(1/juk/219 Por primera vez en su historia, la cartera de pedidos de Hanse ha superado los 1.000 barcos. El ejercicio 2020/21 (que finalizó el 30 de junio) ha sido excepcional para la empresa en todos los aspectos. Las ventas se desarrollaron de forma positiva con nuevos armadores en busca de barco propio como opción segura para unas vacaciones relajadas y seguras.




Tampa, FL – The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) announced today that registration is now open for the 30th Anniversary of IBEX, to be held September 28-30, 2021, in the Tampa Convention Center. North America’s largest trade event for recreational marine industry professionals, IBEX is owned and produced by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and...



Magenta Project mentees joining the Andrews 70 Trader for the Transpac Race are, from left, Megan Gimple, Sarah Wilkinson, Lindsay Gimple and Annie Longo.

In 2019, my husband, Doug Pasnik, and I raced our first Transpac together with a team of 10 on our Andrews 70, Trader, comprised primarily of military veterans (see story on page 22...



Benjamin B. Whitcomb III, known fondly as Benji, died after a long illness on April 23, 2021. He was 72 years old. Benji came up through the ranks in the early days of the schooner Harvey Gamage, becoming skipper of that vessel. He was a consummate sail handler, often sailing Gamage off the hook in crowded Charlotte Amalie Harbor in St. Thomas. Backing the big main sail, he’d spin off the hook...



High Latitude Sailing,
Self-Sufficient Sailing Techniques for Cold Waters and Winter Seasons
By Jon Amtrup and Bob Shepton
Hardcover, 198 pages, $35
Adlard Coles, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London

Written by two extremely experienced ocean voyagers, High Latitude Sailing provides exactly what its title claims: techniques, ideas, and strategies...



More data and a better global weather model should make for improved weather distributed to users, like this temperature gradient map.

On March 22, 2021, NOAA announced that the National Weather Service (NWS) would use a new global computer model for weather forecasts. This is an “under the hood” type of improvement that most voyagers...



Finding the perfect boat is a personal journey, one which can take you months or even years and many miles before the right one shows up. For me the search took me around the world, when I realized that what I wanted couldn’t be found in North America. A love of the solid seaworthiness and beefy good looks that comes with the North Sea Trawler design led me to the Netherlands where I found my boat.

After engaging a naval architect to design the perfect expedition yacht, I decided to find one ready to go. My search took me to the Low Countries where MS...



Author’s note: I first started to write this story at the request of one of my Marquesan friends who hoped to make the cruising community more aware of the issues I outline here. But I want to make it clear that I do not think the problem is very widespread. In general I think voyagers are responsible and respectful of the places we visit, but it only takes one or two instances of disrespect on the part of sailors for local attitudes to change.

You’ll find the stuff of dreams at Hanamoenoa. The golden sand of its beach is so fine that your feet sink deep...



Now that many of us have learned the joys and perils of working from home (WFH) and the always-connected 24/7 life, you may have decided it is time to get away from it all and sail over the horizon. Sick and tired of receiving urgent text messages at midnight? Mad because there is no longer an excuse not to check in? Longing for the days when the phrase, “Sorry, I didn’t have a connection,” was a legitimate excuse? Thanks to the availability of satellite phones, being anchored in that fabled tropical lagoon in the middle of the Pacific is no longer an excuse for kicking back and...

