Actualitat marítima



La cooperación regional es crucial en la lucha contra la piratería y el robo a mano armada contra los buques y otras actividades marítimas ilícitas. Un nuevo sitio web destaca que el Código de conducta de Djibouti, adoptado bajo los auspicios de la OMI, ha sido decisivo para contener la amenaza de la piratería en el océano Índico occidental y el golfo de Adén. Su ampliación en la Enmienda de Jeddah en 2017 introdujo un enfoque integral para hacer frente a amenazas más amplias a la protección marítima y a sus causas fundamentales, mejorando así la seguridad...

Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria



Los socorristas comenzarán a vigilar las playas de Marín después de que se celebrase en el salón de plenos de la Casa Consistorial el acto de la firma de la contratación de los 21 socorristas, dos patrones y la coordinadora “que tiene cerca de siete años de experiencia trabajando en nuestras playas, lo que garantizará un buen funcionamiento de este servicio”, explicó la concejala de Turismo, Cristina Acuña.

El horario de los socorristas será de 12.00 a 20.00 horas y velarán no solo por la seguridad de los bañistas, sino también por el cumplimiento de las medidas...

Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria

Informe CIAIM-06/2021 Embarrancada del buque PINAR DEL RÍO, en la bocana del puerto de Denia (Alicante), el 16 de agosto de 2019. Microsoft Word – IC_06-2021_PINARDELRIO_definitivo.docx (



Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria


Jump into June recipes for summertime fun. Below are a few favorites that are easy to prepare, delicious and nutritious.

An interesting question I was recently asked. “Does boiling vegetables, like carrots, take the nutrition out?” Answer: Carrots, actually, are one of those vegetables that nutritionally benefit from cooking and here is an alternative cooking method to boiling. 

Image Courtesy of Mae Mu

Prep time: 10 minutes...



I’m excited about electric propulsion for small sailing craft—in part, because it is more eco-friendly on a warming planet. However, there are far more reasons to love marine electric propulsion than merely because it will allow our species to survive longer, as admirable as that goal may be. 

  1. It is more dependable
  2. It requires less maintenance
  3. It produces less heat. This is especially important here in the tropics
  4. It is quiet. This is crucial to me
  5. It doesn’t require stinky, dangerous petroleum products
  6. There’s no diesel odor
  7. ...

Students on board Chao Lay for their practical Day Skipper course after completing virtual quarantine theory. Photo courtesy of Grenada Bluewater Sailing

It’s the best of both worlds! Grenada Bluewater Sailing, a St. George’s Grenada-based RYA Training Center that offers a soup to nuts of courses from theory to...



You may not be able to walk on water but the Lift eFoil, a surfboard powered by an electric propeller, will let you soar over the seas. Now, Isabella, Puerto Rico-based family-owned company, has launched its 2021 line-up – the LIFT2, LIFT3, and LIFT3 Elite. The new line’s varying price points make eFoiling that much more affordable. Previously, the Lift eFoil was only available for US $12,000. Prices now range from US $10,900 for the LIFT2 to US $14,000 for the LIFT3 Elite. Plus, these new models offer greater durability, maneuverability, battery life, and speed, along with upgraded...



NMEA is happy to offer to the marine electronics world our installer certification classes this July 13-15.  These are 6-8 hour online instructor led installer certification training sessions. The delivery method for the training is GoToWebinar, where students view and listen to the live instructor and presentation, along with being able to ask questions to the instructor. An online, proctored certification exam using Microsoft Teams concludes each day of training.

Start Time 1100 New York Time (11:00AM EDT) (UTC-4)
Tuesday, July 13 – Basic Marine...



(16/jun/21) Emirates Team New Zealand (ETNZ) ha hecho públicas sus desavenencias con el Gobierno neozelandés y con el Consejo de Auckland, de cara a la financiación de la próxima America's Cup (AC37) en 2024. El tema se arrastra desde la culminación con éxito de defensa del ETNZ en Auckland de la 36 Copa América en marzo de este año. La disputa por convertirse en sede de la regata...



Breadfruit is an extremely versatile vegetable that can be boiled or grilled in potato-like dishes while still green, or turned into various desserts once it’s ripe. A variety of popular dishes are served in Caribbean countries as “traditional cuisine,” even though the plants were only introduced there in the late 18th century.

How to cut breadfruit. Photo by Birgit Hackl and Christian Feldbauer

According to current scientific research, the Pacific islands...

