Actualitat marítima


(15/jun/21) El verano llama a la puerta y, con todos los muelles de poniente del puerto de Ibiza vacíos de yates al estar a día de hoy todavía pendientes de adjudicación los espacios de amarre para grandes esloras, en Marina Ibiza tienen a tope su bloc de reservas y comienzan a sentir el bullicio de la temporada, con todo preparado para sorprender a los asiduos de esta isla que, después de más de un año con...




Informe CIAIM-04-2021

Caída al mar de un tripulante del pesquero TUCAN DOUS entre la isla de Sálvora y la isla de Ons, el 9 de febrero de 2020, resultando fallecido.

Microsoft Word – IC_04-2021_TUCANDOUS_definitivo.docx (


Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria


(14/jun/21) El navegante catalán volverá a competir en la Vendée Globe 2024 si consigue los apoyos necesarios. Costa ya está moviendo hilos para financiar y llevar a cabo la que sería su 3ª vuelta al mundo en solitario, sin escalas y sin asistencia.

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John Foster, a fixture of the Caribbean racing scene, and Bob Weinstein on their IC24 at the St. Thomas International Regatta. (Michael Hanson/)

In more than 60 years of sailboat racing, John Foster has never fallen off a boat, but let’s just say that the 83-year-old Virgin Islander is always willing to try new things.

Foster and I are paired up for the 2021 St. Thomas International Regatta. We’re racing an IC24, the local one-design class, which is essentially a J/24 hull updated with a sportboat cockpit. Normally, you’d race an IC24 with four to five crew, but due to ­social...

Font: Sailingworld


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Font: Sailingworld


Helly Hansen NOOD Chicago Overall Winners, the crew of the Beneteau First 40.7, Mojo. (Mark Albertazi/)


Team Mojo, the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta Chicago’s overall winning team, took its lumps early in the regatta but ultimately won the seven-boat Beneteau First 40.7 class and the overall title. The Chicago NOOD is the largest regatta hosted on Lake Michigan since the pandemic began.

Team Mojo, a Chicago-based raceboat owned by Gary Powell and Scot Ruhlander,...

Font: Sailingworld


Preliminary Results

World-champion sailor Andy Horton, who is competing in this weekend’s Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta Chicago, said that no one on their Great Lakes 52 team believed the forecasted afternoon thunderstorm would materialize but when it did, he agreed ending racing early for the day was the right call. “I told the Fox team that the windiest place I have ever been was during a storm in Chicago and it blew 76 knots,” he says. “Anything can happen here and...

Font: Sailingworld


Courageous owners Ray Douglas and Kris Maybach jumped the gun in the opening race of the Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta Chicago series, drawing an over-early penalty and forcing them to re-start behind the rest of their eight-boat J/109 fleet. They recovered quick enough to catch the fleet right before the end of the race. “Six or seven boats converged right at the finish line,” says Courageous’s spinnaker trimmer Aldo Caronia. “It was so close that the race committee declared a first-place tie between us and Slapshot II (a J/109 owned and driven by Scott Sims).

“From dead last at the...

Font: Sailingworld


No worries! Whether travel plans are uncertain due to the pandemic or if sampling the world of yacht ownership sounds like fun, Dream Yacht Charter has the solution. The Annapolis, MD-based company’s new Sail Pass allows customers to sail up to three times a year – twice in low season and once in high season – for one annual price. Pass prices vary depending on the yacht type and size chosen. Better yet, Sail Pass Maxi’s Exclusive Pass and XL Pass lets customers sail six weeks a year – three...


Ingolf Kiland

If you think two or three hulls are better than one, then The Multihull Company is one of the tops in the world when it comes to sales and service for cats and tri’s. The Philadelphia, PA-headquartered company’s global locations include five offices in the Caribbean (the BVI, St. Martin, Trinidad, Grenada, and Antigua). Now, there’s a...

