Actualitat marítima



Resolución de 27 de mayo de 2021, de la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, por la que se adoptan medidas sanitarias para los buques de pasaje tipo crucero y se deja sin efectos la Resolución de 23 de junio de 2020, por el que se establecen medidas restrictivas a los buques de pasaje tipo crucero, para afrontar la crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el COVID-19

Disposición 8973 del BOE núm. 128 de 2021


Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria



Below is a recent email from Max Fletcher and Lynnie Bruce, CCA voyagers who sail aboard Juanona, a Nordic 40. Together they have sailed from Maine to the Azores, the UK and northern Europe. For the past two years they have been exploring Scandinavia aboard Juanona. This message is an insight into their thought process as a they prepared to cross the Atlantic. Their blog is at...



Fiji has entered our conversation several times over the past week. While we have been talking about going there for our upcoming 40th wedding anniversary, cruising friends have been discussing their next destination after the Bahamas. They had hoped to head to the South Pacific however, Fiji is the only island currently open to cruisers. So when Plantation Isle of Fiji presented itself at the store, naturally we needed to review.

Alexandre Gabriel is the...



The bowline remains a workhorse knot aboard a voyaging boat — for example, attaching jib sheets. Photo by Claudia Kirchberger on Unsplash

Any sailor who ventures out on the ocean will very quickly find himself standing on deck with a length of line in his hand facing the need to fix, adjust, repair or lash some crucial item of...



While not every ocean voyager also is avidly into fishing from his or her boat, many voyagers do harvest fish from the sea and so the issue of fishing and overfishing is one that naturally concerns them. And even for those voyagers that don’t, as lovers of the ocean environment, they also have an interest in seeing it remain robust. So, this post “Overfishing, Conservation, Sustainability, and Farmed Fish” by Coty Perry, who runs the website, on the issue of...



Preston Anderson discovered at age 8 that he loves sailing. Now in college, he wants to bring the sport to people who can’t imagine they could be part of it. (Brian Beard/)

One man can launch a movement. Even a very young man. Even a very young, African-American man. Even a rare, very young, Black man who grew up sailing in Chicago and arrived at Bowdoin College, Maine, good to go on the Polar Bear sailing team. Not that he knew he was starting something that would grow by leaps and bounds, and not that he had a campaign plan, exactly. Instead, Preston...

Font: Sailingworld


New York YC team skipper Emily Maxwell was the driving force behind the club's new women's event. (Stuart Streuli/NYY/)

With a potent combination of boatspeed, tactical acumen and team racing skills, the New York Yacht Club team strung together 13 straight victories en route to a win in the inaugural Women’s 2v2 Team Race, hosted by the New York Yacht Club Harbour Court this weekend. The team’s lone loss—to the eventual runner-up from the College of Charleston in the final flight of races—came with overall victory already in hand. The New York Yacht Club team, led by skipper/captain...

Font: Sailingworld


11th Hour Racing Team training in Concarneau, France, in April ahead of The Ocean Race Europe. (Amory Ross/)

International ocean racing teams from around the world are assembling in Lorient, France, this week ahead of the start of the inaugural edition of The Ocean Race Europe on Saturday May 29. Designed to showcase professional fully-crewed offshore racing, this new European multi-stage race has attracted a top-tier entry of 12 teams representing nine countries.

The race is open to two classes of high-performance ocean-going racing yachts: the 65-foot one-design VO65 and the...

Font: Sailingworld


College of Charleston's sailors came out on top only 1 point ahead of Tulane on the final day of Women's Nationals. (Courtesy ICSA/)

The racing over the last two days brought light winds and shifty conditions. The first day was all about boat speed and the Boston College sailors excelled at this winning the day - although closely followed by the College of Charleston, Tulane University, Stanford University and the U.S. Naval Academy - in the top five.

The sailors completed 10 races in each division on the first day of competition and 6 races today for a regatta total of 16 races...

Font: Sailingworld
