Actualitat marítima


El port no només col·labora en la protecció del planeta, sinó que crea un producte enfocat a les noves tendències de consum

El Port de Sitges ha renovat el reconeixement d’adhesió al compromís per la sostenibilitat Biosphere Costa Barcelona, en el marc del sistema de turisme responsable. El lliurament del distintiu es va realitzar el passat 26 de maig al Club Nàutic de Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Mitjançant la distinció Biosphere, el port no només col·labora en la...

Font: Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics


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In this week’s Episode of Around The Sailing World, Editor and Host Dave Reed, checks in with Gary Jobson and Ed Baird and reports in from the J/24 North Americans in Sayville, New York.

Font: Sailingworld


With a broken starter, Michel Desjoyeaux engineered a system that allowed him to start the engine using the mainsail. ( Jean Marie Liot/DPPI/)

There is something about the silence of sailing. It’s the movement through water—be it slow and stately, or fast and frenetic—powered solely by the wind. The absence of a noisy engine hammering away is one of the attractions of the sport, or at least in theory it is. The farther we stray from the coast and the bigger the boat, the more reality diverges from the picture; power is essential to any long-distance cruising or racing boat.


Font: Sailingworld


Chris Fesenmeyer's crew on the Beneteau 36.7 Daydream continue their tie-dye tradition at Block Island Race Week. (Storm Trysail. Club/)
Onto the homestretch in the 18-mile Around the Island Race at Block Island Race Week 2021. (Cate Brown/)
Competitors pass Block Island's North Point Lighthouse during the regatta's Around the Island Race. With an on-time start, the 52-boar Green Fleet made up of the Performance Cruising Divisions and Multihull fleets were fortunate to commence and complete their 18-mile counter-clockwise course. However, the rest of the competitors on the...
Font: Sailingworld


Competitors pass Block Island's North Point Lighthouse during the regatta's Around the Island Race. With an on-time start, the 52-boar Green Fleet made up of the Performance Cruising Divisions and Multihull fleets were fortunate to commence and complete their 18-mile counter-clockwise course. However, the rest of the competitors on the White and Blue circles entered into a postponement at 1100 due to the reduced visibility at their starting area caused by the fog. (Cate Brown/)
Onto the homestretch in the 18-mile Around the Island Race at Block Island Race Week 2021. (Cate Brown/)...
Font: Sailingworld


Many people visit Puerto Rico via a stop at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in San Juan en route to another island destination. But next time you think about flying through, instead, fly to and take the time to cruise this Greater Antillean island’s less-traveled offshore waters. There are hundreds of miles of coastline around this fourth largest Caribbean Island and many smaller islands, rocks and cays to explore. Plus, Puerto Rico is a U.S. commonwealth, meaning no passport is required for U.S. citizens, cell phone plans are like the mainland, currency is the U.S. dollar, and...



As the virus takes a backseat to a more normal life in the Caribbean and visitors start to flood in. Locals are smiling and welcoming with open arms. Islanders want to make sure your stay is extra special. Boating is the most popular attraction in many islands and this is not surprising. Perfect weather most of the time, great anchorages and the Caribbean people with their free-spirited nature, warm smiles and magnetic reggae rhythms. You want a beach party? Find a perfect sandy strip with palms for shade, a few coconuts, bottle of rum and ‘de music mon.’ If you want more Caribbean ‘flava...



Fajardo, Puerto Rico – As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Puerto del Rey is ready to provide an excellent service for vessels, whether it is located in land or sea. The Marina has developed a detailed preventive plan, with communication and safety measures in place, in case the passage of a hurricane is confirmed this season.

Tie downs for the boats are ready for hurricane season in Puerto del Rey

According to the Chief Executive Officer of Puerto del Rey, Carolina Corral, in order to guarantee safety to everyone in the Marina this hurricane season, planning is the key. “Every...




La Armada del Ecuador a través de la Capitanía de Puerto de Salinas mantuvo una reunión con delegados del Comité Zonal de Protección y Respuesta a Emergencias (Cozpre), con el propósito de planificar la ejecución de un ejercicio en las instalaciones del Terminal Petrolero de La Libertad (SUINLI), ante posibles eventos adversos.

Dio una breve explicación sobre cómo nació el COZPRE; los convenios con los cuales fue creado; el Código Internacional para la Protección de los buques y de las Instalaciones Portuarias (PBIP) adoptado por la Organización Marítima Internacional...

Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria



  • Estará administrado por NIMASA y contará con la participación de varias agencias internacionales

El gobierno de Nigeria anunció el pasado 10 de junio la creación del programa Deep Blue para acabar con la piratería en la región del golfo de Guinea, mediante una significativa inversión en infraestructura policial y militar, así como un endurecimiento de las acciones para mantener la seguridad marítima en las aguas de la región. La iniciativa ha sido valorada muy positivamente por la Mesa Redonda de las Asociaciones Marítimas, que agrupa a...

Font: Seguridad marítima archivos - Actualidad Marítima y Portuaria
