How to's


The vintage Sailor radio has gone in for repairs. It's not in great condition but radio expert Rob Wells is optimistic. Watch the video here

The old Sailor radio from Maximus is undergoing repairs

Whether for listening to BBC cricket or calling up Dutch harbours, the old Sailor radio is still loved by boat owners!

The maritime Sailor radio on the PBO…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


Former Premiership footballer Francis Benali talks to PBO about his career at Saints, and why joining Premier Agapi Boat Club is another part of the jigsaw

Francis Benali at the Southampton Boat Show 2021

After 389 games with Southampton Football Club, Francis Benali retired from football and raised £1m for Cancer Research.

In 2014  he ran between every Premier League ground, covering over 1,000 miles in 3 weeks.

In 2016 he ran and cycled to every Premier League and Championship football club, covering…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


Rupert Holmes takes a look at 3 new chartplotters launched at the recent Southampton Boat Show and explains why they’re worth a closer look…

B&G Nemesis displays offer superbly clear readouts

One of the best ways to choose new marine electronics is to get your hands on kit from a range of manufacturers, ideally with a knowledgeable expert on hand to answer questions.

It’s also always interesting to see higher end products operating alongside more budget priced units – this makes it easier to assess the extra functionality that…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


If you rank racing skills by degree of difficulty and potential for gain/loss, big fleet starts are at or near the top. In small fleets, it’s easier to get a good start and if you don’t, it’s easy enough to…

The post Big Fleet Starts: Challenges and Priorities appeared first on SailZing.

Font: Sailzing


Un barco bien trimado consume menos y navega mejor. Siempre. Veamos unas nociones básicas sobre trimado.

Un barco bien trimado reduce su superficie de rozamiento con el agua, corre más y reduce su consumo.

El dispositivo del power trim, más comúnmente llamado trim, es un cilindro hidráulico que permite variar la posición del motor fueraborda, en las potencias medianas y altas, y también está presente en las transmisiones Z drive…

Font: Nautica y Yates | Navegación


El Egeo es un mar ventoso en el que, además, la abundancia de islas altas, costas montañosas y recortadas, cabos prominentes y canales angostos configura un paisaje de turbulencias; allí el viento se comporta como el agua en un torrente con el lecho sembrado de grandes rocas y su flujo no es para nada laminar y constante, sino racheado y bronco. Y uno de los sitios con más fama de ventoso es el triángulo que configuran las islas de Samos, Ikaría i Fournoi. Lluís Ferrer Gurt

Font: Nautica y Yates | Navegación


Insurance expert Steve Risk has some useful advice for project boat owners who may be thinking of foregoing cover…

Boats need insurance cover even when they’re laid up

Here’s my advice for people looking to buy older/project boats and asking themselves: ‘Do I need boat insurance?’ Before buying any boat, old or new, owners should engage the support of a specialist insurance broker to understand the cover they’ll need.

Insuring older boats can often be more complex. For a boat over 20 years old – or over 10-15 years if made of wood…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


Hallberg-Rassy’s reputation for building quality bluewater cruisers evolved from its early 31-38ft models. Peter Poland reports...

Hallberg-Rassy has been in the same family ownership since Christoph Rassy bought Harry Hallberg’s boatbuilding business in 1972 and formed Hallberg-Rassy. And 49 years later it’s still going strong and still owned by the Rassy family.

This success story can be attributed to the Rassy insistence on top quality products combined with an uncanny ability to evolve and develop the Hallberg-Rassy range in…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


Rupert Holmes looks at how to retrofit a calorifier tank to the fresh-water side of your boat's cooling system.

Today most new yachts come with pressurised hot water, but that wasn’t the case 20 or 30 years ago. Many boat owners are happy to rough it with a kettle as their only source of hot water. Others value the convenience of harnessing ‘free’ excess heat from the engine to warm a tank of water.

These are the parts you will need in order to retrofit a marine hot water system to your boat.

Estimated equipment…

Font: Practical Boat Owner


Rob Melotti to leave Practical Boat Owner. Search for a new editor begins...

PBO editor, Rob Melotti, is stepping down after four years as editor of the UK’s biggest boating magazine. Future Publishing is keen to hear from candidates to fill the role.

Rob joined PBO in 2004, applying for the role of sub-editor while working as a dinghy instructor at Southampton Water…

Font: Practical Boat Owner
