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45 Days of Giveaways We're holding our biggest giveaway ever to celebrate SAILING Magazine's 45th anniversary. The sweepstakes will begin September 6 and each day a different prize will be given. Every time you enter you will qualify to win the grand prize. Stay tuned to this page or follow us on Facebook  or Twitter for more information. Grand Prize: A one-week sailing charter in the Br...
Font: Sailing Magazine

SAILING Magazine is a beautiful, oversized publication that is visually stunning as well as an informative and enjoyable read. We cover all aspects of sailing, from learning how to sail in a dinghy to crossing the ocean on a large cruiser to racing around the buoys against the best sailors in the world. We typically focus on sailing in places that are realistic destinations for our readers, but wi...
Font: Sailing Magazine

  2011 Editorial Calendar Issue Theme Product Review Technique January Retrofits Heaters Caring for cordage February Shorthanded Sailing Shorthanded gear Shorthanded sailing March Fitting Out Radars Winch care April Charters Boat tchotchkes (fun boat stuff) TBD May Learn to sail Propellers/bowthrusters Running/standing rigging care J...
Font: Sailing Magazine

Font: Sailing Magazine

I have a number of bad habits other than sailing, one of which is flying. I'm a fallen-away pilot and I don't really miss powered flight. What I do miss, though, is soaring, which shares much in common with sailing: quiet and wind and being in command of your own fate and beauty and more. A good friend and pilot, Bo Fielding, has so many hours in his logbook that he is verging on legendary, and h...
Font: Sailing Magazine

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Font: Sailing Magazine

Font: Sailing Magazine

marketingpitch At SAILING Magazine, we understand the current economic situation may be daunting when planning the future of your business. We, however, prefer to think of this time as an opportunity to grow your business, get more customers and rise to the top of the industry. But don't take it from us. Listen to what the leaders of the sailing industry said at the U.S. Sailboat Show in Ann...
Font: Sailing Magazine

Catalina Yachts has produced some simple, safe cruisers with very comfortable interiors, and it's no surprise that this new Gerry Douglas-designed 44-footer is no different. An SA/D of 18.59 and D/L of 158 indicate she won't be a slouch in light air, while a look at her sleek plan view and length-to-beam ratio of 3.18 hint at an easily driven hull. For those who truly feel the need for downwind s...
Font: Sailing Magazine

When I was a boy in upstate New York, we'd sit on the front porch and watch the summer boat traffic on the Mohawk River, mostly tugs and barges or cabin cruisers, but occasionally a sailboat would come along with its mast lashed horizontally atop the deck.Often tanned and handsome, the folks aboard would wave as they waited for the operator of Lift Lock 17 in Little Falls to raise or lower their v...
Font: Sailing Magazine
