Actualitat marítima


El dron elèctric és capaç de filtrar una superfície de 5.000 m2 de làmina d’aigua o un volum de 780 m3 per hora de treball a 2 nusos de velocitat

El Port de Badalona ha posat en marxa un nou sistema de recollida de residus amb drons aquàtics. La iniciativa s’emmarca en la campanya “Netegem els ports” que, impulsada pel Clúster Nàutic Català, es portarà a terme a un total de dotze ports de Catalunya. L’acte de presentació i la prova pilot amb l’enginy ha tingut...

Font: Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics


La Gerent del Port de Mataró realitza una entrevista a la publicació local Revista Iluro

El nou Port de Mataró inaugura un enorme ventall d’oportunitats per la ciutat en diferents àmbits. La remodelació de les seves instal·lacions suposa una injecció de potència econòmica per la capital del Maresme i l’obertura d’un nou espai obert a la ciutadania per connectar amb el mar, la gastronomia, l’esport i la cultura. En parlem amb Margarita Díez, gerent del Port.

El Port...

Font: Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics


A l’abril de 2022 i després de dos anys d’absència el MYBA Charter Show torna a Barcelona

El MYBA Charter Show torna a Marina Port Vell entre el 25 i el 28 d’abril del 2022. Després de dos anys d’absència a causa de la pandèmia, el port barceloní tornarà a ser l’el epicentre mundial dels superyates.

La fira reuneix els principals professionals dels iots de luxe del món i els brinda l’oportunitat de...

Font: Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics


En total s’han recollit 30 nanses de pesca i més de dos quilòmetres de xarxa, al que cal afegir dos contenidors d’escombraries i set bosses plenes de brossa de la platja. Unes xifres récord

El passat dissabte, 10 de juliol, ha tingut lloc la jornada anual de recuperació d’arts de pesca perduts en el Port de la Selva, en la que el Club Nàutic Port de la Selva ha participat amb l’embarcació i un equip de bussejadors voluntaris de la seva Secció de Submarinisme.

A les...

Font: Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics


The Lyon, a private French 40-gun warship, is the likely identity of the shipwreck recently discovered in English Harbour, Antigua. The path to this historic find started in 2013 when the National Parks Authority (NPA) and Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services (ADOMS) contracted the Royal Hydrography Office to conduct a survey of English and Falmouth Harbors to update the navigation charts for both areas. Survey results clearly showed a possible area of archaeological interest. A diver confirmed the presence of large timbers in the area....



Bigger is better! The Brunswick Corporation announced in June that it’s purchasing Navico, a global leader in marine electronics and sensors. The billion-dollar buy will put the industry-leading brands of Lowrance, Simrad, B&G, and C-MAP into Brunswick’s Advanced Systems Group (ASG), which includes the leading Parts & Accessories (P&A) brands in power management, digital control and monitoring, and networked devices. 



Posted July 27, 2021

Honolulu, Hawaii – An enduring service provided by the Transpacific Yacht Club is maintaining one of the largest and most impressive perpetual trophy collections in the ocean racing world. Dozens of works of art crafted in silver, pewter, brass and bronze, along with traditional Hawaiian materials like Koa wood, canvas, cord and reeds, have accumulated over the 115 year history of this race, first sailed in 1906.

Deeded by numerous past winners and generous patrons of the race, these trophies are not only stunningly beautiful, they are a visual reminder...



Men's Laser sailor Charlie Buckingham competes on the second of racing in Enoshima, Japan. (World Sailing/Sailing Energy/)

Olympics is happening now and soon the medals will be given out, the tales of heroics and tragedy that is the 2021 Olympics will be written for all time. As we watch from afar, I think we should all remember why the Olympics are so important, and how our United States Sailing Team is an overwhelmingly positive force for sailing in this country.

In our sport, there are lots of regattas, but there are a very small number that really represent the pinnacle of...

Font: Sailingworld


Paige Railey continued to struggle on the second day of racing in Tokyo. (World Sailing/Sail/)


The US Sailing Team continued to be paced by Men’s RS:X athlete Pedro Pascual (Miami, Fla.), who retained his top-10 position through six races. Pascual logged scores of 9,5,15 and noted that guessing where the next band of breeze would appear was key to racing near the front of the fleet today. “...

Font: Sailingworld


Honolulu, Hawaii – By now the stories of massive waves, sustained high speeds, and record runs coming into the docks at this year’s Transpac are starting to sound routine. This year’s race was epic, everyone agrees, thanks to a perfect weather scenario allowing for sustained high-speed sailing. Teams came in a day ahead of their hotel bookings and thus hung out at the bars of the Waikiki and Hawaii Yacht Clubs, enjoy terra firma and strong doses of Hawaiian hospitality poured into pineapples.

Yet another common them emerged as well: the strong interest in preserving the interest...

